Chicopee June 30 2014: BOYCOTT New Buffalo Wild Wings on Memorial Drive in Chicopee MA

A drive by of Chicopee Buffalo Wild Wings at 2:00 PM on June 30 2014 revealed that Contractors Parked at the Job Site have 100% Out of MA License Tags.

Apparently Buffalo Wild Wings is only interested in HARVESTING MONEY OUT of The LOCAL COMMUNITIES for which they decide to construct their NEW BUSINESSES.

ALL LOCAL Citizens Should BOYCOTT all new Buffalo Wild Wing operations where they import out of state contractors and deprive the local communities from making any wage off of the construction trade used in the new construction of the LOCAL FACILITY!


Local trade contractors and electricians are calling on LOCAL Chicopee residents and Massachusetts citizens to unite and meet up on JULY 4th from 11:30 AM to 3:30 PM at the new Buffalo Wild Wings job site located on Memorial Drive Chicopee across the street from the 99 restaurant.

Residents are asked to make information signs and banners and bring these signs and banners and to display them to passing traffic as a means of informing the LOCAL public as to the CHICOPEE Buffalo Wild Wing BOYCOTT and the UNFAIR ONE-WAY Business ethic of the Buffalo Wild Wings Corporation. Local trade were not even asked to bid the work.

Lets send Buffalo Wild Wings the Message: You have come into OUR local community and decided to use only OUT of State CHEAPO labor to build your building thus denying the local labor force from their daily wage. So, we have decided that ONLY Out of state patrons will spend their dollars in your restaurant. LOCAL residents will BOYCOTT Buffalo Wild Wings. Good luck with your profits that you expected to DRAIN from our local tight knit community.

This act of LOCAL UNITY will send a message loud and clear to all other multinational corporations looking to profit from the folks of Chicopee and Massachusetts that we will not stand for a one way drain of commerce and dollars out of our community!



Not often one finds protesters in the Rehoboth area. Joe Wolf and Josh Brown held this banner Monday outside the new Buffalo Wild Wings opening soon in the Lighthouse Plaza near the Rehoboth Giant Food on Coastal Highway.

Related Article:

Local union protests out-of-town labor on Buffalo Wild Wings construction

By Sara Dorn,

Unemployed construction workers picketed Monday outside Lakeview Square Mall, disgruntled that Mt. Pleasant-based Konwinski Construction, Inc. was hired to build a new Buffalo Wild Wings at the mall.

“I’m an unemployed electrician and the Buffalo Wild Wings is using out-of-town contractors and if a local business wants local people to patronize, they should use local people to build it,” said one picket, David Cassle, 47, of Galesburg. “This would put us back to work and help stimulate the economy.”

Cassle has been out of work for four months.

A local union, the Southwest Michigan Building & Construction Trades Council, organized the picket. The group is suffering a 25 to 30 percent unemployment rate among its 5,000 members, its president, Hugh Coward, said.



Related Article:

Local union protests out-of-town labor on Buffalo Wild Wings construction

Mark Hill and other members of the Iron Workers Local 355 protest in front of Lakeview Square Mall on Beckley Road Monday morning.

Unemployed construction workers picketed Monday outside Lakeview Square Mall, disgruntled that Mt. Pleasant-based Konwinski Construction, Inc. was hired to build a new Buffalo Wild Wings at the mall.

“I’m an unemployed electrician and the Buffalo Wild Wings is using out-of-town contractors and if a local business wants local people to patronize, they should use local people to build it,” said one picket, David Cassle, 47, of Galesburg. “This would put us back to work and help stimulate the economy.”

Cassle has been out of work for four months. …